Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My personal moment with the Lord today was centred on the first epistle of St. John. I was so inspired by the Words the Holy Spirit brought to my consciousness. To be precise, 1John 1:7-8 was the highlight. It says “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (NKJV). From this portion of Scripture we can observe the following:

1.       If we must walk with God, we must walk in the light.
2.       We can’t claim to be in fellowship with the Lord while we walk on in darkness. Light and darkness never co-exist. There is no darkness in God at all.
3.       Fellowship is not just about going to Church, it actually means being in tune with God every single moment, every single day!
4.       It is not possible to be in the light and in darkness at the same time.
5.       Walking in the light doesn’t mean we are perfect people, there might be moments when we miss it with God. But there’s provision for cleansing by the blood of Jesus as long as we are walking in the light. We’re being perfected daily.
6.       Walking in the light is a progressive thing. We don’t do it one day and have it made. We walk on in the light till the Master comes for us.
7.       Walking in the light simply means walking in the Word of God. It means to be in sync with God. As long as we live a Word-based life, we are walking in the light and are in agreement with the Lord. When we don’t walk in the light of the Word, we are in darkness.
8.       Righteousness is light while sin is darkness – they never agree.

This is just a few of the things the Holy Spirit brought to my consciousness today. Hope you got something from it too. It would greatly help if you choose to study the entire Epistle for yourself – just 5 chapters. You’d get the bigger picture. Walk in the light. Blessings!

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