Act on the Word
Build everything or decisions of your life on the Word
Confess the Word frequently
Depend on the Word
Exalt the Word above your thoughts always
Feast on the Word daily
Grow in the knowledge of the Word/Give the Word first place in your life.
Hold on to your confession of the Word
Impart the Word into others
Journey in the Word (Search the Scriptures)
Keep the Word in your heart
Look to the Word in expectation of Its manifestation
Minister the Word
Never despise God’s Word
Operate by the Word
Practice the Word daily
Quietly digest the Word into your spirit
Renew your mind with the Word
Still the storms of life with the Word
Testify to the Word
Unite yourself with the Word
Verify issues from the Word
Willingly obey the Word
X-ray your life daily in the Word
Yield to the Word of God
Zap doubt and fears by the Word
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