The things of God are not just taught, they are caught if at all there must be any result. The art of impartation is what separates the teacher of the Word from the classroom teacher. Physical things are taught but spiritual things are imparted. Impartation always precedes impact. Until there is an impartation of the Word, impact or result is not guaranteed. What in the world is impartation? Impartation is the art of catching the spirit of the Word in a given atmosphere. Now note that I didn’t say it is the act but art. It is an art; it is something we can learn. So many folks think spiritual things just happen of themselves without our involvement but if that were to be the case then the blessings of God would have been manifesting itself in the life of every saint automatically or all sinners would have received eternal life automatically. But you know as much as I do that even though Jesus died for the whole world, millions are still unsaved, so many even die and go to hell. Even though Jesus bore our sicknesses, griefs, pains, poverty etc so many are still living under these yokes. Why is that so? Because we are responsible for what we get in this life. Now, it’s very important that we understand this. Philippians 2:12 says for us to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;” (NKJV). You work it out!
The difference between the one who just had the Word and the one who was imparted is that the one who heard the Word was just taught and realized that he now knows better but the one who was imparted caught the spirit of the Word and that Word he received will explode within him, thereby producing deeper revelations and manifold dimensions of that Word. Words that are imparted resound in the spirit of the imparted just like the Psalmist says: “God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.” (Psalm 62:11. NKJV). Impartation is a great experience; it unveils the richness of the Word of God that has been received. Word impartation takes place in two ways; firstly, when you ask the Holy Spirit to be your Teacher during your personal study of the Word (meditating on the Word is a vital part of the study) and when your are listening to an anointed or a Holy Spirit inspired minister of the Word who is actually speaking under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It really matters who teaches you the Word of God and that is why you must take out time to pray for your Pastor or Bible teacher – it’s for your own good.
Prophet Ezekiel tells us: “Then the Spirit entered me when He spoke to me, and set me on my feet; and I heard Him who spoke to me.” (NKJV). I feel very hot in my spirit as I read this because I experience this often. When you receive the impartation of a Word from the Lord, it burns in your heart as wild fire! Despite how important this is, little or nothing is taught about this divine principle in our Churches. No wonder, the Pastor keeps repeating the same thing over and over again but his congregation would never subscribe for change. They only receive the Word as information just like a student in a classroom considers what he or she is been taught. Impartation is so deep because it brings transformation. It is always as a result of a hungry heart feasting on the Word voraciously. God will always go to any length to fill a hungry heart. It is very easy to feed a hungry man! The book of Acts describes a situation where the hungry hearts of few Gentiles got the Holy Ghost to unconventionally fall on them. Their spiritual hunger was a heavy pull! It says, “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word.” (NKJV). No wonder Psalm 42:7 says, “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me.” (NKJV). The reason why spiritual hunger produces impartation is because only a hungry man has a vacuum that can be filled. A minister says that God never sends anyone empty except those who are full of themselves. A man full of himself or other irrelevant things can take little or nothing from the Lord. This is very important. God easily work with hungry people! Acts 14:8-10 also shows us that when we receive Word impartation, our miracles are guaranteed because faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God! (Romans 10:17).
We use to wonder how the Prophets of old could deliver so long a prophetic message from the Lord to the people. We ask “did they memorize these Divine Words?” Thank God now we know they didn’t. They received the impartation of those prophetic Words which inspired them to speak as the very oracles of the Lord. As ministers of Christ, we must be very careful about sharing Words that have not been first imparted into our spirits because we cannot impart what has not first been imparted into us. Impartation produces doers of the Word because Words that are imparted propel action! Words that are imparted are hardly forgotten, they spring up at the exact moment when they are most needed for action. It is also important for you to note that since the devil has and will always been known for plagiarizing, taking what is of God, perverting and using it to enhance his kingdom in the hearts of men, he also uses impartation in that same manner and that is why we must be careful about what we expose ourselves to. When we expose ourselves to the devil’s stuff, he also brings those evils ideas to us as options when we are in moments of decision to confuse us and misdirect our walk with the Lord. We must not let him do this.
Just like the Anointing of the Holy Spirit is not taught but caught (imparted), that is how the Word of God is imparted to the hungry heart. As I write these words, I’m praying to the Lord to stir up a deeper hunger in your heart for a new Word experience. I desire that greatly too as much as you do. The Word of God has the ability to make us what it talks about. When a man that is nervous receives the impartation of the Word, he suddenly becomes bold and courageous. When an anxious person receives the impartation of the Word, suddenly his troubles become so minute that they seem too insignificant. I submit to you that in there last days, the impartation of every Word from the Lord is not an option but an ultimatum. How we need every Word from the Lord in our spirit, soul and body – everything!
A PRAYER FOR YOU: Father in the Name of Jesus, thank you for unveiling these precious Words to us. I ask that you stir upon the heart of everyone who has read this piece a new hunger for the fullness of Your Word. We need a new experience with Your Word and we receive this with thanksgiving. Amen.